How To Rip 4K Dolby ATMOS Blu

DVDAudioExtractorworksgreatonBluRaydiscs,butfirstmostofthemneedtobedecrypted.ThatrequiresaproductlikeMakeMKV.,Forthatpart,Iuseanotherfreeprogramcalledmp3tag.TheothercoolfeaturewithDVDAEisyoucanchoosewhichaudiotracktorip.Someblurayaudiodiscs ...,D...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Blu Ray Pure Audio Ripping - General Forum

DVD Audio Extractor works great on BluRay discs, but first most of them need to be decrypted. That requires a product like MakeMKV.

Ripping a music bluray

For that part, I use another free program called mp3tag. The other cool feature with DVD AE is you can choose which audio track to rip. Some bluray audio discs ...

How to rip only audio track (no encode) from BD movie?

Dears, could you please enlight me what tool can easily rip Bluray audio without ripping entire movie and audio.

Ripping Blu-Ray Audio

The process is to use MakeMKV to extract and decrypt the Blu-ray Then use DVD Audio Extractor to extract the audio from the Blu-ray rip.

Idiots guide to ripping blu ray audio

Here's the reader's digest version: Put the blu ray in the drive. Start MKV app. Choose backup the disc onto your hard drive.

Best Blu-ray Audio Ripper to Rip Blu-ray Audio (Ultimate)

Some Blu-ray audio rippers freeware like MakeMKV, VLC and HandBrake may also be considered good choices for extracting audios from Blu-ray Discs ...

How to Rip and Extract Hi-Fi Audio from Blu-rays Easily?

Step 1: Launch DVDFab 13 and Select the Ripper Module · Step 2: Load Your Source Music Blu-ray · Step 3: Choose a Hi-Fi Audio Profile · Step 4: ... Introduction to Blu-ray Audio · How to Extract Blu-ray Audio...

Is it possible to extract certain audio tracks from Blu-ray?

If you have a Blu-ray, and a compatible optical drive, you can rip a disc with software like MakeMKV which will give you a video file that you can get the ...

So uh, how do you rip blu-ray audio? : raudiophile

You need a program to decrypt the disc (I like DVDFab) and a program like DVD-Audio Extractor to take the decrypted disc and rip the files.

How To Rip LosslessHi Res Music from a Blu Ray or DVD

How To Rip Lossless/Hi Res Music from a Blu Ray or DVD - Free! You will need this software: MakeMKV: MakeMKV also requires a ...


DVDAudioExtractorworksgreatonBluRaydiscs,butfirstmostofthemneedtobedecrypted.ThatrequiresaproductlikeMakeMKV.,Forthatpart,Iuseanotherfreeprogramcalledmp3tag.TheothercoolfeaturewithDVDAEisyoucanchoosewhichaudiotracktorip.Someblurayaudiodiscs ...,Dears,couldyoupleaseenlightmewhattoolcaneasilyripBlurayaudiowithoutrippingentiremovieandaudio.,TheprocessistouseMakeMKVtoextractanddecrypttheBlu-rayThe...